Edited Books
Academic Articles
Countering Displacements: The Creativity and Resilience of Indigenous and Refugee-ed People, edited by Daniel Coleman, Erin Goheen Glanville, Agnes Kramer-Hamstra, and Wafaa Hasan, University of Alberta Press.
The Gospel & Globalization: Exploring the Religious Roots of a Globalized World edited by Michael W. Goheen and Erin G Glanville, Regent College Press.
2023 + 2024
“Nurture the relationships to which you want to be responsible: Informal relationality and everyday research ethics in cultural refugee studies,” in Migration and the Politics of Fieldwork, eds Kirsten Emiko McAllister, Ayaka Yoshimizu, and Daniel Ahadi
“Waves and Refugees: Water Metaphors and Epistemological Humility in Thi Bui's The Best We Could Do,” in Christian Environmentalism and Human Responsibility in the 21st Century, ed. Katherine M. Quinsey. Routledge.
“Refugee Narrative Pedagogy: A Cultural Refugee Studies Approach,” in The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives, eds. Vinh Nguyen and Evyn Le Espiritu Ghandi. Routledge.
“Labels, Discourse, Meaning-Making,” in Introduction to Forced Migration Studies in Canada, ed. Christina Clark-Kazak. McGill-Queens University Press. Co-authored with Efrat Arbel.
“Discomforted Readers and the Cultural Politics of Genre in Lawrence Hill’s The Illegal,” in Canadian Literature 247
“What happens to a story? En/countering imaginative humanitarian ethnography in the classroom,” in Opening Up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees, eds. Celine Cantat, Ian M. Cook, Amir Mohammed, and Prem Kumar Rajaram. Berghahn Books.
“The Worn Words Project: Narrative mobilization, refugee discourse, and digital media production” in Documenting Displacement: Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research, eds. Christina Clark-Kazak and Kasia Grabska. McGill-Queens University Press.
“Do you feel safe at the border? An intermedial pedagogy for sensing communities of shared fate,” Intermediality/Intermédialités 34.
“R2P and the Novel: The Trope of the Abandoned Refugee Child in Stella Leventoyannis Harvey’s The Brink of Freedom,” in Children and the Responsibility to Protect, Brill.
“Refracting Exoticism in Video Representations of the Victim-Refugee: K’Naan, Angelina Jolie, and Research Responsibilities,” Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 9.2, 233-251.
Excerpts from this article were reprinted in Canadian Literatures, edited by Konrad Gross & Jutta Zimmerman. Postcolonial Literatures in English: Sources and Resources Vol. 4. Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012.
Other Publications
Click here for the full poem: https://www.routedmagazine.com/people-think-refugees-likely-know
Illustration by Andrea Armstrong for Borderstory
In production
“Where are you from?” a collaborative comic about displacement and belonging.
“Police cars in my neighbourhood,” Geez Magazine.
“People think refugees just likely know things,” a found research poem, Routed Magazine October 2019.
“Remember, Be Still, Make Space,” commissioned literary non-fiction as part of The Trees of the Book project by encaustic artist Petra Zantingh.
“Beyond Debt and Economy: Reclaiming Prophetic Hospitality for Refugees,” CASE Quarterly 38.